It was perfect for you at the time!
When you first purchased your home, it was ideal for you and your growing family.
But now it feels a bit chaotic! The rooms that the kids used to love, are now no longer large enough to accommodate the teenagers and their needs. They need bigger beds and desks for their homework (and gaming, let’s be real) They want to have friends over but there’s just not enough space for everyone to spread out.
And it's not just the kids feeling the pinch. Virtual meetings and working from home has everyone feeling a bit in the way.
You have tried to move furniture around, declutter, and moved things to storage. You have officially outgrown your home and it's time to make a move!
First things first, we will sit down for a coffee and chat about your growing family's needs and wish list. What areas of the city are you interested in? Do you need to stay in a certain hockey zone or near specific schools? How much do you want to spend on your new home? Do you know if you qualify to write an offer to purchase without having it subject to the sale of your current home?
We will discuss all of those things and more and make a plan that suits you best.